Sunday, July 22, 2012


home sweet home <3
As our bus got closer and closer to Jinja, my mind could not fathom that the dream I had been dreaming for the past 5 years had finally become my reality. I could not seem to grasp how faithful God has been in providing me with so much, even though I deserve so little.

It was day one; the air was thick and smelled like fire, and the streets were filled with people walking through the red soil of Uganda.. The people were everpresent, and the kids looked more joyful than I could have ever imagined. Even though their feet were bare, even though their clothes were ripped, even though most of them had no idea where their next meal was coming from, they smiled. They smilled so big it was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile back..
We reached the AOET compound for the first time (where we slept each night), tons of children sprinted towards us, as they shouted "MZUNGU, MZUNGU" ~which means white person in l'ugandan. We had to go inside the compound and close the gate; even though all we wanted was to play with the kids, we went to unpack first.
As the rest of my team headed towards their huts to settle in, I snuck away--just for a minute, and I went over to the gate.. I was so curious I couldn't help but listen for laughter or singing. I put my ears up to the gate, but I didn't hear anything. There were some slits in the gate, just like those of the top of a locker.. So I stuck my finger through the gate. I started to wiggle it, and before I knew it, one little black pinky shot up through the gate. A few minutes later. there were at least forty little dark fingers through the gate, wiggling up and down, back and forth. I only knew five phrases in l’ugandan, and one of them was “Lets sing” which is “Tu Nnyimba.” I said “Tu Nnyimba,” to them, and there was a moment of silence. So I began to sang, “Jesus loves me this I know.” They repeated right after me “Jesus loves me this I know.” We would move our fingers to the beat of the song, and they would copy everything I did. It was so beautiful that I couldn’t help but stand there and sing two or three more songs. Their voices were so amazing that I wanted to stand at that gate for hours. In that moment, everything felt right. All these kids wanted was love, and all I wanted was to love them.

We woke up early and headed to the children's village. I never knew that would be the day that God changed my life through a little boy named Nassar.
We had 5 hours to spend loving the families in the children's village, and I spent all 5 with Nassar.
Nassar walked up to me, and gave me a big hug. In Uganda, its kind of "the thing" to spill your guts whenever you meet someone, and talk to them for hours on end, about anything and everything..its really beautiful.
So, I went along with the tradition, and I told him ALL about my life in America, and all that God has done to bless me and my family, and how I came to know Jesus as my Savior..
and then, Nassar told me his story:
"Well, when I was three, my father died from AIDS, and three years ago, my mother died. She got a disease, and we couldn't afford money to help her get to the clinic. But, dont worry, because they both came to know Jesus as their good and mighty Lord right before my father died. I'm so thankful that they are born again Christians, and that they are with God in heaven. Even though I miss them sometimes, God has a perfect plan. God always provides. So don't worry Julia. God is still good to me, every day."
I was so taken back. This 9 year old boy, who had lost both of his parents, was teaching me of how good of a God we serve, and that His compassions are new each morning. I should have been the one telling him to trust in God in all trials, and instead, he was teaching me so much about what it really means to have faith.
The week went on, and each day I got to know more and more about Nassar. In the mornings, he would walk to school with me; we skipped down the red dirt path, and I loved that he was always right by my side..We laughed harder than I've ever laughed, and we sang songs louder than I've ever sang. As we held hands, I would squeeze his hand three times, and I told him that meant "I love you." He would squeeze my hand back, three times, as he said, "ngkwaagala" -which means "I love you" in l'ugandan. The 'three squeeze' was kind of our thing.

(fast forward to almost the end of our trip) I sat under the night sky, surrounded by 30 boys and girls, and my heart didn't want to accept that we only had two days left with the beautiful people of Uganda. Gazing up at the breath-taking starry night, my heart was overflowed with joy as I remembered how big a God we serve, and how undeserving we are of His grace and His unfailing love. My heart stopped for a minute as I looked at the sky, I was in awe of God's beauty and my heart was so full. And on top of that, there were 30 beautiful children surrounding me, lifting up their voices freely, praising God. It was as if they forever wanted to stand before their King, and worship His name.They were in the dirt, on their knees, humbly giving their hearts to their Maker, as they sang: "All to Jesus, I surrender, I give my life, oh yeah." No one taught them how to worship. No one told them the way to praise God. They just praised. It was just them being real, and humble before God; giving Him the glory and worship that He deserves.
Nassar turned to me and said, "I'm really going to miss you when you have to leave me. I pray you will never forget me." A tear rolled down my cheek and I tried to wipe it before anyone would notice; in their culture, its very shamed upon to cry, and I didn't want any of my emotions to spark any of his. I turned to Nassar and said, "I'm going to miss you too, so much. And I could never forget you. Every night, when I look up at the stars, I'll remember you, and I'll say a prayer for you." His face lit up as he looked up at the twinkling stars, "Thats a great idea.I'll do that too."

Friday rolled around, despite my prayers for it to never come, and it was time for us to say our goodbyes to the kids. There was a huge ceremony that the school kids put on for us, with tons of dancing and singing. It was wonderful. Near the end, the principal of the school came and made an announcement that the kids taking the bus were being called to leave, even though it was 2 hours early....Nassar rode the bus home on Fridays.
NOOOOOOOOO.. I didn't want to say goodbye, and I really didn't want to say goodbye early.

Was this really my last day?
These kids had literally stolen my heart from me; everything about them captured me; I love them.
I am in love with the people of Uganda.
I couldn't leave. 
I wasn't really a day away from getting on a plane to leave this place . . . this was my home -- or at least that is how it felt. 
This wasn't really goodbye right.

Nassar sprinted through the crowd and jumped into my arms. I held on so tight and I just didn't want to ever let go. The principal called for Nassar to head over to the bus, so I held his hand for one last time, and walked him over. As they rounded up all the other kids to come to the bus, Nassar and I stood hugging right outside the bus doors. Nassar looked at me, and he began to weep. I started to weep with him and he hugged me again, and he wouldn't let go.We stood holding on to each other until all the other kids were on the bus except him. The bus driver told him it was time to go, so we had to say our last goodbyes.
"Julia," he said
"Yes Nassar?"
"Do you remember what you told me about the stars?"
I chuckled through my tears, "Of course I remember! How could I forget?"
". . . I promise that I'll do it, every day, for the rest of my life."
He gave me one last hug and ran on the bus. I couldn't catch my breath, and I fell to my knees. As the bus driver was shutting the doors, Nassar sprinted up to the front of the bus and started banging on the doors for him to open it. The bus driver opened the doors, and Nassar grabbed my hand, looked into my eyes, and squeezed it three times.
When those doors shut, I felt like someone had took part of my heart away from me.

Nassar sat in the very back of the bus, so I went to the back window, and I put both of my hands up to the window in the shape of a heart, and he did the same. The bus began to drive down the street and I ran after it, waving and blowing kisses until I couldn't keep up anymore. I stopped right there, and prayed for Nassar; I knew he was doing the same for me.

Nassar taught me so much about the Lord, and about life. The way Nassar looked at me reminded me of the way that God looks at us. Nassar would laugh at my jokes when they weren't funny, and he would look at me smiling every single time I opened my mouth; he would run up to me and hug me like he hadn't seen me in years, even though I had just left his classrooom for a moment; and I felt like he would love me no matter what. And that is what the Lord does with us. He loves us unfailingly. He laughs when our jokes aren't funny and He smiles every time He sees us, even when we aren't smiling back.
 Nassar taught me that we should look at others the way that God looks at them, as His wonderfully made children; and that we should love with all of our hearts.

I would be lying if I didn't say that when I left Uganda, I left my heart there too. Sometimes I look up at the stars, and wish so badly that I could just leave my life here and live there forever. Every night I listen to videos of my uganda kids singing, and I close my eyes and pretend that I'm back in Uganda, standing right next to them. 
My tears that I shed each day are from missing their beautiful presense; but my peace comes from Jesus Christ alone, knowing that each and every one of my kids is in the hands of the Lord. That He is their protector, and that He is still there loving them every day, with all of His heart.
I have been so encouraged as I remember that the God of Africa is the same God of America, and He is the same God who will never stop loving me, no matter what country I am in. His plan is always perfect, and much better that one I could ever have for myself.
I want to have the mountain moving faith that the people of Uganda have; and I never want to forget that heaven is my home--this is just a life to love others, tell the truth of Christ, and live to glorify our King.
God is so good to me, each and every day.
He is the author of beauty; He spoke the world into motion; He so generously gives me breath every day, even though I don't deserve it.
God loves us all the way to heaven and back!

James 1:2 "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

Thankyou to everyone that made this trip possible, and thankyou so much for the prayers! We went to be a blessing to the people of Uganda, and I was definitley far more blessed myself than I was a blessing.

<3 07.22.12 <3

my beautiful children--sweet sounds on the playground <3

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Psalm 37:4- "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" <-- CAN I GET AN AMEN TO THAT!!

Ever since the eighth grade it has been my *dream* to go to Africa and serve the people. I prayed almost every day for the orphans there, and that God would have His hand over their lives. I would pray that, since I couldnt be there serving, that the missionaries God had placed there would truly be God's hands and feet. And I would pray that the Kingdom of the Father would be furthered.. That each day, more and more hearts would come to know the truth of Jesus as our amazing Savior.

I was in 8th grade; I knew that it wasn't time. I knew that God had a special time planned for me to serve Him overseas, and that time wasn't now. The desire in my heart to sneak out and jump on a plane (not actualllyyy, but you get the point) still lay heavy on my heart every day, but I knew that I am called to wait on the Lord. To wait on His perfect timing..

In the ninth grade, my parents took notice of my heart for Africa. My prayer journals were full with uplifting prayers for African families, children, and missionaries-and my parents noticed. Every missions conference, seminar,

class at church-I was there--my parents noticed...So I told them. Nothing crazy. I didn't say I thought God wanted me to go overseas at this point in my life. But I told them that I knew the time would come, and how much of my heart desperately wanted to serve the people of Africa.and when the time came, I was going....they weren't too happy. They thought the idea was crazy.and the risk was insane. And me, in my lack of slowness to speak, told them that God doesn't care about risk. We are called to be PERSECUTED. Jesus DIEDDDD ON A CROSS and I won't take a risk? get ovahhhh yourself Julia! ..But they thought I was too young to know.

Since I knew that God didn't want me leaving yet, I took in upon myself to let the Lord equip me. It wasn't time for me to go to Africa, so lets pray IT UP! I prayed for God to break my heart for what breaks His. I prayed that I could learn to be selfless-that no part of me would want to go to Uganda for my own pleasures, but to SERVE and SERVE and LOVE OTHERS. and SERVEEEE! And ohhh man, God grants prayers. My heart- slowly but surely- began to change. I realized that I learned more and more about the heart of the Father. and to be honest- I was falling head over heals in love with God. I had always prayed and pusued a relationship with the Lord. butt ohhhhh this was LOVE. I found myself laughing with God, and taking walks with Him, and singing songs of worship in my head...and having inside jokes with Him! I never felt so joyful or loved or free in Christ. God was changing me to realize how much I am nothing, and how much He is everything.

So fast forward to tenth grade. God taught me how to serve children. I began volunteering at the vacation Bible school that my church offered to the children. and God taught me that I had a mission field right in front of me. it was like training! I could go on for hours about the amazing times that God blessed me with throught this camp. INSANE! it was hard because as I would talk about camp and how much I loved it, my mom would say things like: "see, you don't need to go to africa. you have people that need serving right here." My mom loves overseas missions. she sends lots of money to missionaries, she prays a lot for them. but she couldn't seem to let God give her peace about her daughter leaving. She would love to send support money to all my friends and family headed to overseas missions, but her little girl would be fine serving the people down the street....i knew God had something different in mind.

11th grade. here comes interestingggnnessss to the MAX!
God opened a huge door. There was this class being offered at my church called Perspectives. It was all about cross cultural missionarial experiences. WOWWWW was it such a blessing. Each week, a different teacher would come and speak, and most of them were overseas missionaries. One from Turkey, China, Kenya, Mexico...the list goes on. I learned so much and my heart was breaking for all the hearts who had not yet come to know Jesus as our loving and amazing Savior. So I thought this was the summer. This was finally the summer that God wanted me to go. It was His timing. Right? It had to be! Since I had just taken this class, the next step would be to go to Africa. And God had voiced to me that He would soften my parents heart when it was time for me to go...but
it got closer and closer to summer. and they were still bitter at the mention of Africa. any time I brought it up, the converstation would end with tears for everyone, and not the good kind of tears. . . how could this be happening? And I realized,,,,,not once had I asked, "Lord, is it time?" How could I be so selfish. Of course it wasn't time. my heart wasn't in the right place..but God opened another door. ONCE AGAIN. He is good at that. He blessed me with a mission field in my friends. I became best friends with two Muslim girls, one Hindu, one Buddhist, and one atheist. Talk about a mission. God had a lot planned for me. I would ask, "God how can I do this. Im awkward. and wierd. and silly, and i wouldn't know what to say. and I am no better than them. how will they see You through me? And their parents are too set on their religion. God don't you understand, these girls can't change their religion. Their parents literally wont have it. What can I do?" and God showed me Scripture. Moses had a stutter, and look at all that God did through Him. what about Noah? people thought he was crazy. but really he was just listening to God... with all that God has done, how was I was acting like He couldn't change a few hearts? I knew it would be hard, but I KNOW that God can do it. There are over 100 conversations I have had with these girls, and even with their parents, about God and religion and heaven-lots of stuff. To this day, none of them are Christians, YET! But God has deffffff been moving. I pray for their hearts so much. I would love it if you did too. anywayyyy, point of the story, it wasn't time for me to go! and I needed to accept that, and I did<3

12th grade. Uganda was still on my heart as much as it was before, but I thought of it in a new way. I did not bring it up as much with my parents. I spent my time investing in my friends (still praying for the kids of Uganda) but not dreaming day and night.and day and night.and day and night. about  Africa. because God would bring it in His own timing. It was still #1 on my bucket list. . --FAST FORWARD- Christmas time. Christmas eve I said as short prayer that God would change the hearts of my parents to have peace about Africa. but I wasn't worried. I needed to wait on the Lord. maybe God's plan for me to go to Africa would be after college, or after marriage, or even after i was retired. who knew!!! God did!! of course, haha.
Anwayy Gotta love Christams. Jesus' birthday! It was Christmas morning Joe, my brother, was running around the house screaming that he had just got an XBOX! and I had one more gift to open. I couldn't imagine it being Africa in a box. but it was close to it! I opened the box and it was a beautiful, hand made bag from Uganda!!! I loved it. I went to go into the kitchen and my parents said: "wait Julia. There is more inside." So I opened it and first I pulled out Ugandan money. Then I pulled out three jounrals that were one on top of the other.  And i put it to the other side. Joe, my brother said "JULIA!! READ WHAT THEY SAY ON THEM SILLY." There was a picture of Africa on each one... I said aloud, "They say Anticipate...Experience...and Reflect."
Tears rolled down my face like I was producing a river in my living room. Stop. These could not really be the mission jouranls. (the ones where you write in one about what you anticipate to happen. and you read scripture. and then you write about your experience. and then reflect on all that God did).. This had to be joke..  So the last thing was a letter. It said "To our beautiful daughter, we know how long you have been waiting for this day. to go to Africa. God has given us full peace to send our little girl to do the Lord's work overseas. You have my full blessing to go. We love you. -Mom and Dad. "   enough said. happy and joy and excited are all understatements of the emotions that flooded my heart.

FAST FORWARDDD to January when I applied to the Uganda trip throught my church. It was a three week trip that worked with partnering with teachers and serving the orphans there. MY HEART EXACTLY. I want to be a teacher, and I couldn't draw a better dream than me holding and laughing with a beautiful black baby. actually 20 beautiful black babies is how I picture it haha!!!

SO FAST FORWARD to three days ago. And my phone rings. "Hi, is this Julia?"
"Yes this is she"
"I am one of the leaders for the Uganda trip this summer. I am so very pleased to inform you that we have decided to take you with us on our trip to Uganda this summer"
tears flooded, and this time it was *niagra falls*.the good kind<3

*God hears our prayers*
*God answers our prayers*
Good doesn't even BEGIN to describe Him

now you know what I mean when I said:

Psalm 37:4- "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" <--- CAN I GET ANNNN AMEN TO THAT!

<3 03.04.12 <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sooooo, the kids I babysit are named Ahma and Atticus. They are the cutest kids EVER and it is such a blessing to be able to watch them because they just warm my heart. God definitely provides so much for me by giving me this job <3 

At the beginning of the year, I was talking to the kids about God, and Ahma was just loving it. But Atticus said to me, "Dulia [he can't say my name right hahaha] who is God?" and I explained it to him.
Last Monday: I had just picked Atticus up from daycare, and the sky was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. Im talkinnn, sunset, pink clouds, soft wind. GORGEOUS. and Atticus looks up at the sky and says, "Dulia, da clouds look bootiful" then he said something that I would have never expected. "God made the clouds Dulia. And he made you, and Ahma...and ME....He is my best fwend." 
Beautiful and wonderful and unexpected and lovely and an answer to prayer still dont describe how I felt hearing those words from his mouth. The little kids, that I care about with all my heart and soul, are begginning to know the truths of our amazing Lord. mmmmmmmmmmm, God moment<3

<3 02.11.12 <3

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This video is so eye opening!! Tell your friends ;) Show your parents and grandparents and friends..even that kid that sits next to you in history haha.. THATS WHAT I DID! 

"Why I hate religion but love Jesus"

<3 01.24.12 <3

Saturday, January 21, 2012

10 Ways to LOVE <3
~listen without interrupting Proverbs 18
~Give without sparing Proverbs 21:26
~Speak without accusing James 1:19
~Pray without ceasing Colossians 1:19
~Answer without arguing Proverbs 17:1
~Share without pretending Ephesians 4:15
~Enjoy without complaint Philippians 2:14
~Trust without wavering ICorinthians 13:7
~Forgive without punishing Colossians 3:13
~Promise without forgetting Proverbs 13:17

These verses speak such truth! I am deffff going to make a conscious effort to treat my friends and family with love like the love our Lord gives to us all the time :)

<3 01.21.12 <3

Friday, January 20, 2012

CPR Speech

SOOOOOOOOO, i talked tonight at CPR, the name of our youth group. (It used to stand for Christians pumped and ready and now its Compassion, Peace, Rigrorous). I was scared at first, because there were so many people in the audience. But then I realized that GOD HAS IT IN CONTROL. My pastor prayed and I was truly overwhelmed with peace <3 It was wonderful.
My talk: 
"Hey guys my name is Julia. I want to talk to you guys about something that God has laid on my heart a lot recently. So you are going to have to use your imaginations with me.
So now, I want you to pretend like I'm holding a rope and it goes out the door. and then around the entire world. and then around again and again, and never stops. That whole long part of the rope is white, but the small portion on the end that I am holding is red (about two inches). The red represents our time here on earth. The white represents eternity. WOW! How often do I live my life selfishly. I always think with the mindset of "me me me me me my my mine my life me me more memememe" instead of realizing that God has so much more planned for me than this short time here on this earth. 

So I also really wanna share a dream with you guys that I had the other night. It put my life into perspective SO MUCH! So I was sitting in a room before entering in h-e-a-v-e-n, and everyone i had ever came into contact in was in this long line waiting for judgement. I watched the man in front of me go up to a stool and he looked at God, who was behind a curtain- what a bummer! I wanted to see Him haha! Anyway, here is how their conversation went down:
God: How do you think you lived your life on earth?
Man: Selfishly
God: You would be right. [man begins to cry]. But you are in.
Man: Into heaven? Are you crazy? This is insane. I don't deserve this.
God: Oh my son, of course you don't deserve it. No one deserves it. It is not by anything you can do. It is because I gave you my son. My PERFECT son. to bridge the gap between you and me. So you can live with me forever.

HOT DANG. Our God is just that good. He is bigger than this world and He is bigger than all of our imperfections. If it was based on my works and good deeds, I would never be good enough to sit before the creator of the world and get into heaven. NEVER. but He paved the way. because of Jesus <3 

Awesome Quotes of the Night (other people spoke too): "So God has already chosen you to be on His team. Now the ball is in your court. Are you going to choose Him?"
"Heaven is God's gift to us. Earth is our gift to God."

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joe and Jamie

My brother's name is Joe, and Jamie is his best friend. They have been best friends for as long as I can remember and they are INSANEEEE. that's an understatement. Here's a pic :) Joe is the one on the right and Jamie is on the left. So just to give you an idea of their adventures together:

 Here is Joe and Jamie in a nutshell:

They say whatever is on their mind
They do whatever they feel like no matter the consequences
They will do anything for a  l a u g h
They have no self~control
They are super friendly and love kids

Storyyy #1- (for the record, Jamie is usually the one doing most of the insane stuff. Joe is just kind of there for...comical effect) So we went to the beach for the weekend to visit my grandparents, and there are a lot of lizards that run around their property. so Jamie caught one, which surprised my mom and dad since its really difficult. anyway, he was standing outside holding the lizard and started acting up. He yelled at the lizard, "Where are your other friends. WHERE ARE THE OTHER LIZARDS? look at me when I'm talking to you! Where are they?" And then, I kid you not, bit off the head of the lizard. It started bleeding everywhere. My mom was all "Jamie you idiot! What are you doing?!" and my grandma was all, "I'm about to throw up." And my dad and brother laughed for a good half hour. I just shook my head and thought to myself: "There he goes AGAIN"


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mother Teresa: 
[I WISH I COULD HAVE MET HERRRR! I guess that is what heaven is for! (; ]

"Make us worthy, Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and joy.
I heard the call to give up all and f-o-l-l-o-w Christ into the slums to serve Him among the poorest of the poor. It was an o.r.d.e.r.
I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them.

*When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her.
It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.*

You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are h.o.a.r.d.i.n.g., not giving, not sharing.
Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me.
Give a glass of water, you give it to me. Receive a little
child, you receive me.
 Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.
If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive."

I love Mother Teresa! She is such a woman of the Lord and I am inspired by her passion to serve the poor. I feel like the Lord is calling me to serve a lot more-to go out of my comfort zone and make big sacrifices for Him. I JUST NEED TO GET OFF MY BUTT AND DO IT.
and how about paragraoh two?!?!? It is SOSOSO true! how often do we question God's goodness when people die. maybe, we should be pointing our fingers right back at ourselves, taking a good look in the mirror and asking ourselves what we did to stop it.
<3 01.18.12 <3