Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sooooo, the kids I babysit are named Ahma and Atticus. They are the cutest kids EVER and it is such a blessing to be able to watch them because they just warm my heart. God definitely provides so much for me by giving me this job <3 

At the beginning of the year, I was talking to the kids about God, and Ahma was just loving it. But Atticus said to me, "Dulia [he can't say my name right hahaha] who is God?" and I explained it to him.
Last Monday: I had just picked Atticus up from daycare, and the sky was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. Im talkinnn, sunset, pink clouds, soft wind. GORGEOUS. and Atticus looks up at the sky and says, "Dulia, da clouds look bootiful" then he said something that I would have never expected. "God made the clouds Dulia. And he made you, and Ahma...and ME....He is my best fwend." 
Beautiful and wonderful and unexpected and lovely and an answer to prayer still dont describe how I felt hearing those words from his mouth. The little kids, that I care about with all my heart and soul, are begginning to know the truths of our amazing Lord. mmmmmmmmmmm, God moment<3

<3 02.11.12 <3

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