My talk:
"Hey guys my name is Julia. I want to talk to you guys about something that God has laid on my heart a lot recently. So you are going to have to use your imaginations with me.
So now, I want you to pretend like I'm holding a rope and it goes out the door. and then around the entire world. and then around again and again, and never stops. That whole long part of the rope is white, but the small portion on the end that I am holding is red (about two inches). The red represents our time here on earth. The white represents eternity. WOW! How often do I live my life selfishly. I always think with the mindset of "me me me me me my my mine my life me me more memememe" instead of realizing that God has so much more planned for me than this short time here on this earth.
So I also really wanna share a dream with you guys that I had the other night. It put my life into perspective SO MUCH! So I was sitting in a room before entering in h-e-a-v-e-n, and everyone i had ever came into contact in was in this long line waiting for judgement. I watched the man in front of me go up to a stool and he looked at God, who was behind a curtain- what a bummer! I wanted to see Him haha! Anyway, here is how their conversation went down:
God: How do you think you lived your life on earth?
Man: Selfishly
God: You would be right. [man begins to cry]. But you are in.
Man: Into heaven? Are you crazy? This is insane. I don't deserve this.
God: Oh my son, of course you don't deserve it. No one deserves it. It is not by anything you can do. It is because I gave you my son. My PERFECT son. to bridge the gap between you and me. So you can live with me forever.
HOT DANG. Our God is just that good. He is bigger than this world and He is bigger than all of our imperfections. If it was based on my works and good deeds, I would never be good enough to sit before the creator of the world and get into heaven. NEVER. but He paved the way. because of Jesus <3
Awesome Quotes of the Night (other people spoke too): "So God has already chosen you to be on His team. Now the ball is in your court. Are you going to choose Him?"
"Heaven is God's gift to us. Earth is our gift to God."
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