Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This video is so eye opening!! Tell your friends ;) Show your parents and grandparents and friends..even that kid that sits next to you in history haha.. THATS WHAT I DID! 

"Why I hate religion but love Jesus"

<3 01.24.12 <3

Saturday, January 21, 2012

10 Ways to LOVE <3
~listen without interrupting Proverbs 18
~Give without sparing Proverbs 21:26
~Speak without accusing James 1:19
~Pray without ceasing Colossians 1:19
~Answer without arguing Proverbs 17:1
~Share without pretending Ephesians 4:15
~Enjoy without complaint Philippians 2:14
~Trust without wavering ICorinthians 13:7
~Forgive without punishing Colossians 3:13
~Promise without forgetting Proverbs 13:17

These verses speak such truth! I am deffff going to make a conscious effort to treat my friends and family with love like the love our Lord gives to us all the time :)

<3 01.21.12 <3

Friday, January 20, 2012

CPR Speech

SOOOOOOOOO, i talked tonight at CPR, the name of our youth group. (It used to stand for Christians pumped and ready and now its Compassion, Peace, Rigrorous). I was scared at first, because there were so many people in the audience. But then I realized that GOD HAS IT IN CONTROL. My pastor prayed and I was truly overwhelmed with peace <3 It was wonderful.
My talk: 
"Hey guys my name is Julia. I want to talk to you guys about something that God has laid on my heart a lot recently. So you are going to have to use your imaginations with me.
So now, I want you to pretend like I'm holding a rope and it goes out the door. and then around the entire world. and then around again and again, and never stops. That whole long part of the rope is white, but the small portion on the end that I am holding is red (about two inches). The red represents our time here on earth. The white represents eternity. WOW! How often do I live my life selfishly. I always think with the mindset of "me me me me me my my mine my life me me more memememe" instead of realizing that God has so much more planned for me than this short time here on this earth. 

So I also really wanna share a dream with you guys that I had the other night. It put my life into perspective SO MUCH! So I was sitting in a room before entering in h-e-a-v-e-n, and everyone i had ever came into contact in was in this long line waiting for judgement. I watched the man in front of me go up to a stool and he looked at God, who was behind a curtain- what a bummer! I wanted to see Him haha! Anyway, here is how their conversation went down:
God: How do you think you lived your life on earth?
Man: Selfishly
God: You would be right. [man begins to cry]. But you are in.
Man: Into heaven? Are you crazy? This is insane. I don't deserve this.
God: Oh my son, of course you don't deserve it. No one deserves it. It is not by anything you can do. It is because I gave you my son. My PERFECT son. to bridge the gap between you and me. So you can live with me forever.

HOT DANG. Our God is just that good. He is bigger than this world and He is bigger than all of our imperfections. If it was based on my works and good deeds, I would never be good enough to sit before the creator of the world and get into heaven. NEVER. but He paved the way. because of Jesus <3 

Awesome Quotes of the Night (other people spoke too): "So God has already chosen you to be on His team. Now the ball is in your court. Are you going to choose Him?"
"Heaven is God's gift to us. Earth is our gift to God."

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joe and Jamie

My brother's name is Joe, and Jamie is his best friend. They have been best friends for as long as I can remember and they are INSANEEEE. that's an understatement. Here's a pic :) Joe is the one on the right and Jamie is on the left. So just to give you an idea of their adventures together:

 Here is Joe and Jamie in a nutshell:

They say whatever is on their mind
They do whatever they feel like no matter the consequences
They will do anything for a  l a u g h
They have no self~control
They are super friendly and love kids

Storyyy #1- (for the record, Jamie is usually the one doing most of the insane stuff. Joe is just kind of there for...comical effect) So we went to the beach for the weekend to visit my grandparents, and there are a lot of lizards that run around their property. so Jamie caught one, which surprised my mom and dad since its really difficult. anyway, he was standing outside holding the lizard and started acting up. He yelled at the lizard, "Where are your other friends. WHERE ARE THE OTHER LIZARDS? look at me when I'm talking to you! Where are they?" And then, I kid you not, bit off the head of the lizard. It started bleeding everywhere. My mom was all "Jamie you idiot! What are you doing?!" and my grandma was all, "I'm about to throw up." And my dad and brother laughed for a good half hour. I just shook my head and thought to myself: "There he goes AGAIN"


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mother Teresa: 
[I WISH I COULD HAVE MET HERRRR! I guess that is what heaven is for! (; ]

"Make us worthy, Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and joy.
I heard the call to give up all and f-o-l-l-o-w Christ into the slums to serve Him among the poorest of the poor. It was an o.r.d.e.r.
I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them.

*When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her.
It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.*

You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are h.o.a.r.d.i.n.g., not giving, not sharing.
Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me.
Give a glass of water, you give it to me. Receive a little
child, you receive me.
 Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.
If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive."

I love Mother Teresa! She is such a woman of the Lord and I am inspired by her passion to serve the poor. I feel like the Lord is calling me to serve a lot more-to go out of my comfort zone and make big sacrifices for Him. I JUST NEED TO GET OFF MY BUTT AND DO IT.
and how about paragraoh two?!?!? It is SOSOSO true! how often do we question God's goodness when people die. maybe, we should be pointing our fingers right back at ourselves, taking a good look in the mirror and asking ourselves what we did to stop it.
<3 01.18.12 <3