Monday, February 9, 2015

just because

The anthem of my life is that God does amazing wonders and for some reason, in His infinite grace, chooses to take me along for the ride. I honestly believe all the books in the world could not fill how many times I have seen His hand at work and His promises proved true. I am so much like doubting Thomas, so thirsty to see the scars in Jesus' hands instead of just believing. And for some reason He reveals Himself to me, every single day. In the laugh of a child or in an answered prayer, in the joy of a heart felt conversation or the deep sorrow of losing a dear friend. He is there through it all. He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. He is the calm in the storm, and if we fix our eyes on Him, it feels like we can walk on water even when the tides are raging.

I don’t think I will never understand the goodness of a King who leaves His throne. He is faithful when I am faithless. He rains His grace on my prone to wander soul, time and time again--when I don’t deserve a single bit of it! I am so much like the eldest son, thinking that I am entitled to my Father's love. I am so quick to be a Pharisee, thinking I know more than I ever will, as I build my house on the sand and fix my eyes on fleeting earthly passions. I continually tell myself that I have it all together.
When In reality, I am just a little lost sheep desperately in need of her Shepherd.

My sweet sweet Shepherd. He shows me so much of Himself that by the time I start to write it down, He is already on to the next thing. People ask me what my favorite book of the Bible is; and today—it’s definitely Acts. But tomorrow... who knows. Because the second I think I know the Word, His truths somehow seem to fall fresh on my heart.

I yearn for the day that we will sit with Him. Some days I just want it more than I want my next breath. But then I am reminded that we need to bring as many with us as we can! We need to continue the fight and proclaim His name, because we will be with Him soon enough

Psalm 96:4 <3