My dad makes it so easy for me to believe in a God who
loves deeply and protects His children because that's what he has always done
for me<3
My mama. She's my role model. She's my everything. Her love is insane. If I'm half the woman of God she is someday, that will be enough<3
My mama. She's my role model. She's my everything. Her love is insane. If I'm half the woman of God she is someday, that will be enough<3
IM OBSESSED WITH MY BROTHER HE IS PERFECT. Literally I love him to an unhealthy level. Broseph Tolson. His heart for Jesus. His crazy dynamic duo with Jamie (also this boy Jamie is one of the most joyful, encouraging, God-fearing guys you will ever meet. so thankful that we basically adopted him into the fam).
Joe. wow Joe. my brother though. His heart for God's Word. His love for Uganda.&& on top of all that he is SO TALENTED! It's not even fair to the rest
of the world-- sooo athletic, artsy and what not, super musical, so brainy.. the list goes
&& it's been 20 years and somehow he can always
make me laugh<3 Always
Bubby, Puppy and Danno<3 These 3 little ones (NOT SO LITTLE ANYMORE) have forever changed my life! My basically adopted Egyptian babies<3
Watching maggiesakSAKKKI fall head over heels in love
with Jesus! This girl doesn't settle for anything but the TRUTH. she started
seeking and pursuing truth relentlessly, and found herself at the foot of the
cross. Now she's proclaiming His name like crazy. she is a treasure in my life<3
Naureens-adorable and encouraging and FULL OF LIFE and
joyful && sooooo compassionate all the time. I love you bunches<3
Been lovin beccaboooo since diapers. && she dresses up in holiday costumes with me. that's sacrifice right there<3
Maria muchapinya. Never met a girl who is ALWAYS down to
work out. Plus she has the most
beautiful heart <3
Brooke smith. Been lovin you long time. I love our
adventures. I love that our friendship is stronger than interaction &&
so not dependent in occasion. I just love you
Asmi. This girl. So honest. SO FUNNY. so beautiful. so
genuine. And she never stops sharing her heart with others. Love how real we
can be<3
AnniePas- the PURE-ESTTT of pure hearts && a deep deep love for the truth of the gospel
Cassie- your heart for the lost&& your eagerness to pray
EmPetersen- dreams OH SO big for the Kingdom<3
Marilyn's phrases make life worth living #bless #dtm #Gba
AnniePas- the PURE-ESTTT of pure hearts && a deep deep love for the truth of the gospel
Cassie- your heart for the lost&& your eagerness to pray
EmPetersen- dreams OH SO big for the Kingdom<3
Marilyn's phrases make life worth living #bless #dtm #Gba
Taylor lakes encouragement
Shannon mcdade and I could live forever in harbison with
nothin but food and Jesus. See you never (aka freshman year)
Zoe's honesty && eagerness to listen
Kaitlyn makes me tea and cleans the room and prints my
papers. And more than all that-- she helps me know Jesus better:)
My big is IN
LOVE with Jesus. Its so great:)
Kristin tomtoms patience
Sammie wild- I feel so lucky to sit near
her in TWO classes! She loves our Lord a lot:)
Caroline McNamara. This girl.
She worships Jesus with her LIIIFEEEEE! Plus we've been to over 9 states and
driven for over 50 hours together so that's pretty cool! And every time was to
go hang out with Jesus:)
Em hillstroms is the most patient roomie ever! putting up with my mess and high maitenance self. I don't know how you did it.
Autumn Shank's grace. especially during lab... IM SO SORRY YOU HAVE TO BE LAB PARTNERS WITH ME. God will bless your suffering
Amy Trag's not afraid to be real
Sarah Asher. I miss you daily. You changed mahh life.
Your love for the Lord's Word is insane. Your eagerness to follow His will is
crazy amazing. You remind me that we serve such an awesome King<3
Hazelnut iced coffee
Summer thunderstorms
Sandy toes
When someone's laugh is funnier than the joke
The smile of a little one
Raindrops on morning flowers
Painting a canvas
Painting a canvas
That feeling
you get on Christmas morning
The way the light shines through a broken window
and makes a rainbow all over the room
Pumpkin anything
Romans 8
&& more than all this, we know that we don't give thanks to the gift, we give thanks to the Giver.
So thankyou Jesus. thanks for continually pouring out blessings to us, just so that we might know You more<3